Sure im always open to contributions. The only requirements for goblin are...

1. The plan9 command line api may not be changed. 

2. No import dependencies outside go's standard library except 
( due to rule 1. (maybe termbox will 
be allowed if it simplifies the implementation greatly.)

3. All tools must be implemented as cross platform if possible. If we can 
emulate plan9 behavior in userland like inferno does then thats probably the 
way to go.

4. Most commands in goblin should be new implementations rather than C -> Go 
ports of the plan9 commands. Lucent PL is not GPL compatible and the goal is to 
not reintroduce code licensed under Lucent PL if it can be avoided. Some code 
like yacc has already been ported to Go from outside the goblin project and it 
doesnt make sense to replicate the effort in circumstances like this. Other 
than cases like this, I will reject code that appears to be directly derived of 
plan9's source.

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