i have 60GB intel ssd in my new fileserver holding the
cwfs worm cache. no problems so far. but the machine is
just up for two weeks.

its an experiment. if it breaks i have spare sata drive
that could replace it. the worm is on a mirror with
traditional mechanical harddrives.

cpu% cat '#S/sdC0/ctl'
inquiry INTEL SSDSC2CT060A3
config 0040 capabilities 2F00 dma 00550040 dmactl 00550040 rwm 16 rwmctl 0 
lba48always off
model   INTEL SSDSC2CT060A3
serial  BTMP31010344060AGN
firm    300i
feat    lba llba smart power nop ata8 sct 
geometry 117231408512
alignment 512 0
missirq 0
sloop   0
irq     2233361 2233358
bsy     0 0
nildrive        3
part data 0 117231408
part plan9 63 117226305
part 9fat 63 204863
part nvram 204863 204864
part fscache 204871 67313735


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