On Jun 3, 2013, at 8:45 AM, s...@9front.org wrote:

> I ran fossil on both hardware and under different virtual machines and
> eventually experienced file corruption on every single install.

This may have something to do with VM settings -- I vaguely recall some
buffering issues. Haven't had any fossil problems once I switched to
VirtualBox. I save plan9 state, quit from Vbox and may later restart this
VM days/months later and things seem to keep working.

I tried putting venti on the RPi and ran into some issues but at that
time there were a lot of moving parts so can't be sure what happened.
Right now I don't use venti with RPi because I want it to work in
places with zero net connectivity and once you use venti with fossil,
fossil gets very unhappy without it! If everything accessible from
the last snapshot was locally available, fossil wouldn't fallover.

A `best practices' guide for fossil+venti would be very helpful.

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