On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 12:40:46PM -0400, erik quanstrom wrote:
> this iso uses the traditional el-torito method.  unfortunately,
> the installer is size-constrained (1.44MB) and doesn't support usb.

FWIW (I implemented El-Torito support for GRUB years ago), the image has
to be some floppy size, and 2.88MB is perfectly supported.

There is also hd emulation, but this it seems not to be widely 
supported by BIOSes.

        Thierry Laronde <tlaronde +AT+ polynum +dot+ com>
Key fingerprint = 0FF7 E906 FBAF FE95 FD89  250D 52B1 AE95 6006 F40C

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