On Fri, 06 Sep 2013 20:40:26 CDT Sean Hinchee <henesy....@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've just touched the surface of Plan 9 and am trying to get networking 
> functional. In Qemu and on the Pi my /net/iproute is virtually the same 
> ( http://i.imgur.com/Yv7xnNS.png ). The image is the Qemu and the Pi is 
> the same except it is missing the 10* and 0* entries. ip/ipconfig 
> returns a DHCP failure on both, and 'ndb/dns -r' returns a 'can't read 
> my ip address error'.

On the Pi do this:

cd /n/c
cp cmdline-term.txt cmdline.txt
fshalt -r

This will run ip/ipconfig on reboot. See if this works.

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