> > I created it I do what I want with it.
> I believe the rules are different when the work is research, sponsored
> by public money. People are getting research grants to work on nix.

who is getting grants to work on nix?

> > as far as i know, there is no private nix development going on
> Who are you kidding. This is the norm around here. I have been
> personally invited in multiple private Plan 9-related projects by some
> of the few proemiment members of this community that still write code.
> This has always been the norm; read 15 year old 9fans posts and find
> that the same attitude (and complaints) prevail.

i'm not sure if you're complaining or bragging.

but anyway, we're talking about current nix (which i take to mean
current 64-bit intel/amd development of any sort).

so have you been invited to participate in private nix development?

- erik

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