On Tue, 07 Jan 2014 14:00:42 +0100 Nicolas Bercher <nberc...@yahoo.fr> wrote:
> Also, regarding what Erik asked on 3rd January "does anyone feel like
> debugging an infinite os?", I feel Plan 9 offers an extra-wide range of
> possibilities, "approchoaching infinity" suggested by your logo.

This logo reminds of the "time tunnel" in the old "The Time
Tunnel" TV show. Hollywood's idea of science fiction,
mysterious & endless tunnel you can't escape from is not
something I associate with plan9.  If anything it takes the
mystery out of good OS design!

To me Plan9 is closer to a bucket of Lego Technics parts (and
less Pirates of Caribbean kind of Lego sets).  Small, well
designed, high quality parts that are highly composable, fun
to play with & what you can build with is limited only by your

Funny how we all see something different in the same graphic!

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