On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 7:57 PM, erik quanstrom <quans...@quanstro.net> wrote:
>> Okay, I tried a powered hub. Now, it boots with both keyboard and
>> mouse (previously it used to hang when I connect both keyboard and
>> mouse). But still the keyboard and mouse are not recognized. Once I
>> saw a "warning" message that the descriptor length is short. But when
>> I rebooted, I didn't see that message.
> i think one of the issues behind this was debugged yesterday.
> usbshortdesc (/n/sources/patch/usbshortdesc) has been submitted.
> richard may have improvements, but this should eliminate this
> issue.

Sorry if this question is dumb: How can I build a 9pi image with this
patch and test? Can someone create a 9pi image for me to test?


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