erik quanstrom ha scritto:
I regret not to have more detailed info. I suspect there is something
changed in the detach primitives or so. But its only a very personal
hmm.  would it be too much to ask to request a ps of the processes that
failed to exit?  i really would just like to know what state they're in.
i think this may have been a latent bug that just came out.

- erik
Working on a Bell I've at home, downloaded a few weeks ago.
The kernel is built using the same config used on the field,
where the wrong behaviour has been noted.
The modified usbd and thebcscan process are embedded.

After booting with the reader plugged in (normal condition):

bootes           12    0:00   0:00      336K Pread    bcscan
bootes           13    0:00   0:00      336K Rendez bcscan
bootes           14    0:00   0:00      336K Rendez bcscan
bootes           19    0:00   0:00      336K Pread bcscan

Here mount /srv/bcscan /n/bc gives a readable /n/bc/bcU0/data.

Then the reader is unplugged

bootes           12    0:00   0:00      336K Pread bcscan
bootes           13    0:00   0:00      336K Rendez bcscan
bootes           14    0:00   0:00      336K Rendez bcscan

Plaese note that here we see a different case. There are three
spurious processes. On the plant (same test) there is only one.

Then the reader is plugged in again

bootes           13    0:00   0:00      336K Rendez bcscan
bootes           14    0:00   0:00      336K Rendez bcscan
bootes          432    0:00   0:00      336K Rendez bcscan
bootes          434    0:00   0:00      336K Pread bcscan
bootes          435    0:00   0:00      336K Rendez bcscan
bootes          436    0:00   0:00      336K Rendez bcscan
bootes          437    0:00   0:00      336K Open bcscan

Here mount /srv/bcscan /n/bc gives an empty /n/bc but doesn't


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