>       Is this the right place to discuss the actual procedure to include
>       apatch in one's private Bell Labs' distribution?
>       Is it preferable to use apatch within 9atom, or is it reasonably
>       portable to the "legacy" (I presume that is what David intends
>       with that moniker) distribution?

apatch is as specialized as patch in that it creates patches against the current
9atom tree.  patch is still there, and i often generate parallel patches for 
9atom and sources.  as long as your source hasn't drifted wrt the atom tree,
you can send an apatch from a 9atom, hybride or standard tree.

>       Is there a willing participant who is prepared to offer backing
>       storage for the target distribution(s) even when he or she
>       disagrees with the outcome?  (And be vociferous both about
>       disagreeing and accepting the outcome?) David, you've been good
>       that way, are there others?  I'd like to think that we can
>       leverage Plan 9's distributable properties to have more than one?
>       I'd like to offer this myself, but I live at the bottom of an
>       Internet gravity well, anyone with sufficient patience is welcome
>       to approach me.

you are aware that you can mount the 9atom sources directly these days?

  nflag=-n srv $nflag -q tcp!atom.9atom.org atom /n/atom atom   # add to 9fs

- erik

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