On Sun, May 25, 2014 at 11:07 AM, erik quanstrom <quans...@quanstro.net> wrote:
>> Yes, I typed them by hand. Sorry about the error.
>> >> panic: kernel fault: no user process pc=0xf0162415 addr=0x000000a8
>> >> panic: kernel fault: no user process pc=0xf0162415 addr=0x000000a8
>> >
>> > there is a new TEST image @ http://ftp.9atom.org/other/+usbinstamd64.bz2
>> > i have not had a chance to try it myself, but the crash seems obvious 
>> > enough.
>> Thanks. I just tried it and indeed, with the pae kernel, it gets me
>> into the installer. At some point, I mistakenly selected ("arches to
>> install" as amd64, well I really wanted to install amd64 but perhaps
>> the kernel has not been rebuilt for amd64 I guess.
>> Now, it proceeds to "build full set of amd64 executables?" which I
>> selected "yes". I then get a build error:
>> 8c -FTVw s_tolower.c
>> s_rdinstack.c:13 not a function
>> s_rdinstack.c:13 syntax error, last name: Sinstack
>> mk: 8c -FTVw s_rdinstack.c  : exit status=rc 594: 8c 604: error
>> mk: date for (i  ...  : exit status=rc 509: rc 563: mk 565: error
>> halt system? (yes, no, skip)[no default]
> oops.  sorry.  my fault.  fixed.
>> I am going to try installing a 386 system instead (after sending out
>> this email).
>> Also the amd64 kernel still didn't boot. When I selected amd64
>> (selection 0), it just printed something that I couldn't read and
>> rebooted the system.
> if this is an amd (not intel) system, i may have applied a band-aid for this.

Using your new image, I confirm that your fixes are working. I could
boot and install the system with arch as amd64.

In the "configure vga resolution? (yes, no, skip)[no]: I selected "yes".

It proceeded to show me a list of resolutions (8 different options).
Since my monitor has the highest resolution of 1920x1080, I selected
that. Next it asked for "image depth[no default]" where I typed in 16.
But it kept looking there, whatever I keyed in. If I proceed with "no
default", I see that the PLAN9.INI file in the 9fat partition (which I
mounted with 9fat: command) has the resolution set as "1920x1080xno
default". So, after installation, I got dropped into a text console,
probably because of this error.

Also if I opted to create a user name (called "ram") for me during
installation. But I don't see the lib/* files under /usr/ram. I see a
few files under /usr/glenda. Aren't some of these boilerplate init
files copied to the user home directory during installation?

Thanks again. Doing another installation now, but without opting for a
vga resolution during installation time to see if I can get rid of the
"no default" thing in the plan9.ini file. I will change that file
later after the installation to pick the right resolution.


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