> I've used ReadyNAS appliances at home for almost 10 years. The current
> product line is made up of low-power Atoms. I'm running a RAID5 across
> 4 500G enterprise SATA drives (that should indicate how old this unit
> is pretty well...) I have a wired network primarily in the rack in the
> office at home - I absolutely would not use wireless to connect fossil
> to venti (fossil does *not* cope well with the connection to venti
> dropping).

so this is absolutely a potential problem with ken's file server using
aoe storage.

the way i delt with the problem is to wait forever for aoe to come back.
since there's no connection, there is no procedure for reestablishing a
connection.  there is also no overhead like a proxy connection.

i gave a little paper at iwp9 about the "diskless file server" and a few
weeks after we got back a bug in the storage caused it to stop responding.
we were able to fix the storage, load a new image, and restart the storage
kernel.  the file server didn't miss a beat and none of the cpu servers had
any issues.

i would think the same approach would work with fossil.  of course one
would need a more sophisticated solution than "just wait forever", due to
the tcp connection.

- erik

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