Hi again!

The password I have is one that would be just the same if typed on any
western keyboard. So I don't think that this is the problem. The mail
gets through to the recipient but it only contains the mailaddress and
a dot like . nothing more.

Kind greetings,

PS I gave up on gmail and I'm now trying to send an e-mail to a
Swedish address though from a gmail address DS

2014-11-05 19:38 GMT+01:00, Steffen Nurpmeso <sdao...@yandex.com>:
> Mats Olsson <plan9....@gmail.com> wrote:
>  |I mean: How can I get the DNS name of my machine using Plan 9 on a
>  |Raspberry Pi? I've tried the names I can come up with but nada. Please
>  |help me out!!!
> Well i have no idea what your problem is, sorry :)
> Iirc from back in October you already contacted gmail.com, but the
> authentication failed, right?  So DNS can't be the problem.  Kurt
> H Maier followed the error link, as i did, too.  Try to change the
> password to all lowercase ASCII letters and then see if it still
> fails:  Maybe encoding via web interface and what gets passed from
> within Plan9 is mixed up.  I did manage to setup a machine with an
> 8-bit password from within the nice installer and then found
> myself being unable to log in because of the american keyboard
> mapping which didn't produce the necessary keycode.
> --steffen

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