Is this pure or XQuartz?

On 2/27/15 5:10 PM, Jeff Sickel wrote:
Some people prefer the X11 version as the refresh speed may be higher.  That’s
fine, though I prefer having rio resize working so I can full screen the app
on a second display with CONF=osx-cocoa.

I reduced the flicker in the drawterm-cocoa osx-cocoa version a while back.
The flicker and window edges not meeting during a move is still there and
more prevalent on slow connections or a slow cpu.

There are a slew of X11 related changes to support rio resize that I’ve
been meaning to push out at some point.  Since migrating to OSX 10.10
the is mostly broken, and no longer supported/released by Apple,
so my motivation to finish the changes has dwindled significantly.  In fact,
the latest X11 update doesn’t extract and install cleanly on OS X 10.10, so
updates might take a while.


On Feb 26, 2015, at 6:00 PM, Mark van Atten <> wrote:

A while ago, I reported on a problem I had with flicker and broken window edges
in drawterm-cocoa CONF=osx-x11. See the email copied below. It led to a brief

With my present configuration, that problem remains:
OSX 10.9.5
drawterm-cocoa 2014-12-02

However, I just tried rsc's drawterm 2013-07-02,
and there the problem is absent.

I take it there are not many users of drawterm on OSX,
either jas' or rsc's distribution, who
use the x11 version -- are there? I'd be interested
to compare notes.

Best wishes,

From: Mark van Atten <vanattenmark@gma...>
Subject: drawterm osx-x11 on x86_64
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 11:40:14 +0100

For the record---to compile drawterm
( with CONF=osx-x11 on x86_64 (in
my case running 10.8.5), just add the required substitution to the


20 - arch=`uname -m|sed 's/i.86/386/;s/Power Macintosh/power/'`; \
20 + arch=`uname -m|sed 's/i.86/386/;s/Power
Macintosh/power/;s/x86_64/amd64/'`; \

For the moment, I prefer this to drawterm-cocoa because there is no
flicker, and window borders remain intact when reshaping with B1 or


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