On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 7:19 PM, Jeff Sickel <j...@corpus-callosum.com>

> The older versions of drawterm just map a large view to fill
> the whole screen and then clip the view to the window size you’ve
> selected.  When you drag the view it doesn’t resize the internal
> rio content.  That meant that when taking a 1280x1024 window to
> 2560x1440 everything would stay the same and you’d just see the
> extra space already allocated.  If you draw to the new areas and
> then resize the window back to the smaller rect you lose easy
> access to any rio windows created outside of the current clipping
> rect.
> The Cocoa version does proper resizing.  It’s just a lot of effort
> to get the same features back into the X11 code base.

I might be alone in this, but the resize drives me up the wall. I've had to
go out of the way to patch rio to ignore resize updates. I suspect the
reason for this is my riostart creates a few windows by default, which end
up getting resized when I fullscreen drawterm, throwing everything out of
whack. It would be nice if you could add a command line option for this - I
started looking at this, but haven't had much time to make a proper patch.



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