I really like faces(1). I've got a pair of derivatives I've been
playing around with. The first, cleverly called nfaces, overlays
the user, rather than the domain, on unknown senders (I have
good coverage of the domains I exchange mail with even
semi-frequently), and doesn't print anything below the icons.
This allows for a shorter display, and I generally have it running
across the top of my screen. The second, inbox, displays a
single column of faces, with sender, date, and subject off to the
right (it also eliminates faces' -h option and assumes -i). My
startup script has this on the left side, ~450px wide, with acme
covering all but the left 100 or so. Both have minor cosmetic

Both of these are based on Erik's faces derivative, so they
pick up his middle button delete, although I end up using that
very rarely. I'm likely to remove it from nfaces to further
shrink the display, and replace it with a menu in inbox which
will allow more actions on the message (like more easily
sticking them in other folders, my most frequent frustration
with mail on Plan 9).

Inbox has some minor display bugs I haven't gotten around
to tracking down. It also has a man page.

The screenshot attached shows both. You can get them at
/n/sources/contrib/anothy/src/cmd/(nfaces inbox) if you're
interested. I also have most of my faces additions online, as
described on the wiki:
Submissions (code and faces) welcome.


[The wiki went down again as I was typing this. If you want my
faces database, you can do this:
        cd /lib/face && con -l tcp!9srv.net!50001 | gunzip | tar -x
It'll create a README file and 'people' and 'domains' directories,
but won't touch any of the stock files.]

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