i wrote a quick hack of faces to show gravatar images, but i doubt it
has much usefulness given the apparent lack of gravatar use in the
9fan world.

On Sat, Nov 21, 2015 at 10:38 AM,  <a...@9srv.net> wrote:
> I really like faces(1). I've got a pair of derivatives I've been
> playing around with. The first, cleverly called nfaces, overlays
> the user, rather than the domain, on unknown senders (I have
> good coverage of the domains I exchange mail with even
> semi-frequently), and doesn't print anything below the icons.
> This allows for a shorter display, and I generally have it running
> across the top of my screen. The second, inbox, displays a
> single column of faces, with sender, date, and subject off to the
> right (it also eliminates faces' -h option and assumes -i). My
> startup script has this on the left side, ~450px wide, with acme
> covering all but the left 100 or so. Both have minor cosmetic
> differences.
> Both of these are based on Erik's faces derivative, so they
> pick up his middle button delete, although I end up using that
> very rarely. I'm likely to remove it from nfaces to further
> shrink the display, and replace it with a menu in inbox which
> will allow more actions on the message (like more easily
> sticking them in other folders, my most frequent frustration
> with mail on Plan 9).
> Inbox has some minor display bugs I haven't gotten around
> to tracking down. It also has a man page.
> The screenshot attached shows both. You can get them at
> /n/sources/contrib/anothy/src/cmd/(nfaces inbox) if you're
> interested. I also have most of my faces additions online, as
> described on the wiki:
>         http://www.plan9.bell-labs.com/wiki/plan9/adding_your_face/index.html
> Submissions (code and faces) welcome.
> Anthony
> [The wiki went down again as I was typing this. If you want my
> faces database, you can do this:
>         cd /lib/face && con -l tcp!9srv.net!50001 | gunzip | tar -x
> It'll create a README file and 'people' and 'domains' directories,
> but won't touch any of the stock files.]

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