I used to use sam exclusively on my Linux machine.  I had to stop after I
switched to Mac OS X many years ago.

A few years later I picked up acme, and have been using it since.  I also
find that, for some reason I can't explain, I have rarely reached for the
Edit X// command in a scratch window.   I really ought to use it more
often, it's not *that* much different than the sam command window, and I
naturally made very heavy use of the sam command language when I was using
sam(1) all the time.  For some reason in my head there is a tiny barrier
between using Edit X// vs. selecting a window in sam and then using the
command window.

The one thing I  always miss from sam is the remote editor ability.  Given
sam + ssh it was really a joy to be able to remote edit files, much nicer
than using the remote editing capability of emacs.  I had plumber rules set
up so that I could use a remote 'B' command to trigger opening the files
from the remote machine, and it was very nice to seamlessly navigate and
edit w/o really thinking about where the file was.


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