On Thu, Oct 04, 2018 at 08:50:35AM +0100, Rui Carmo wrote:
> I wouldn’t allow the passive-aggressive mood that surfaces here from 
> time to time to turn me off the project. 

How about regular aggressive?

Starting with "what project?"  We're gonna slap down an alpine rootfs
and throw plan9port in /bin? Every single person on this list has heard 
this exact "idea" with this exact lack of coherent expression at least 
twelve times before, probably from me.

The problem here is, in a record few number of posts, this person has
demonstrated a desire to mix two operationg systems while demonstrating
fundamental misunderstandings of both of them -- then in some kind of
incompetence coup de gras, managed to display an utter ignorance of
software development en route.  A fine display of efficiency! most
Kickstarter projects, for instance, take years to demonstrate this
degree of overconfident ineptitude! 

This sort of garbage post results in flames because it's
attention-seeking nonsense of the kind that generates many upvotes on
web forums, but no actual goddamn software. 

> That said, I’m fascinated by how often (and how quickly) some threads 
> devolve into “there is no point in doing that” or “we don’t need 
> those modern contraptions” arguments - reminds me a lot of some of 
> the hard boiled academia types I used to work with back when VMS 
> started losing ground. 

You're not fascinated by shit; that's a medium- to low-quality
rhetorical dodge to throw mud at straw men.  Stand by your opinions,
soldier -- you don't get bonus points for fake rumination.  For the 
record, I think it's a fine idea, but this guy isn't the one who's 
gonna cross that finish line.  Not this decade, at least, and I'd 
lay good money that it's not next decade, either.

If nothing else, by the time you get a decent clip down this road, you
come to understand why the locals were laughing as you passed them.

> As much as some folk here are not exactly fond of various nuances of 
> modern tech (from Linux to X to git, etc.),  I don’t think there’s 
> any need for dissing personal efforts to use or improve various 
> aspects of Plan9 (including, horror of horrors, making the user land 
> a bit more modern and usable, or at least more accessible to 
> mainstream users).

Efforts?  More hypothesizing? or is there some effort happening
somewhere here?  Anyway, needlessly or not, I'm not dissing any effort.
I'm dissing a person; 100% USDA Prime Ad Hominem, just ask Irving Copi 
if it ain't.  

You know what the best part is?  If I've got it all wrong, and this
person is indeed the Palamedes who will round out our unixy alphabet,
then I'll still get to use the software.  So let's all hope I'm wrong!

But I'm not.

> I’m just going to fetch my vitriol wiper now.

Happy to help,


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