On Mon, 1 Apr 2019 21:41:09 -0700
o...@eigenstate.org wrote:

> It was mentioned on this list a short while ago. Now, it's
> more or less at the point where it works for me. Expect
> many bugs and problems, and many more missing tools, but
> "the rest is just scripting".

An update: I'm now using this git implementation on a daily
basis. It's hosting its own development now, and tons of
bugs have been fixed.

All commits in the git mirror here were made with git9 on 9front:

I'm also keeping the old mirror in hg alive:

There's one incompatibility that I'm aware of with 9legacy, where
I use `$split{...} syntax in rc to make files with spaces work
cleanly. I don't think 9legacy imported that patch from 9atom.

The remaining missing bits, in my mind:

        - UI polish; There's some thought needed about how
          the exposed functionality should work.

        - Patch import/export: probably git/diff -[pa] for
          generating or importing `git format-patch` compatible
          style diff.

        - Rebase-like functionality would be nice.

        - (Low priority, probably won't do it myself, but I'd
          take a patch): HTTP protocol. Most places (including
          github) serve up git protocol URLS, in the form


Ori Bernstein <o...@eigenstate.org>

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