On 11/24/19, Ori Bernstein <o...@eigenstate.org> wrote:
> On Sun, 24 Nov 2019 08:34:32 +0200, Lucio De Re <lucio.d...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> We just got a mouthful from sl and you about the lack of explanation
>> for the state  of the various plan 9 "distributions". It all smacks of
>> expecting Da Vinci to update the Mona Lisa because somebody would
>> prefer a high-rise landscape in the background and because someone
>> actually did photoshop the Mona Lisa in that guise, but was not
>> accepted as the most significant contributor to the painting.
> I'm not sure that analogy serves the purpose intended.
> The Mona Lisa is something sitting in a museum for
> people to gawk at a bit before getting on with their
> day to day business, using tools that they either
> adapt to their needs, or replace with ones that are
> already suitable.
Having grown up in the country that spawned many Mona Lisa thieves, I
simply disagree with your evaluation, Ori. That is no reflection of
the worth of your contribution(s), just a cultural chasm between the
two us.

And having spent a week visiting Florence (sorry, can't resist
first-hand anecdotes), I can see both your more pragmatic point of
view and my own interest in archaeology. I would like to persuade you
otherwise, but maybe that will happen to you without my help.

Until then (a) I'll be happy but cautious to help you bring the ONE
Plan 9 to term and will provide all resources at my disposal to do
that and (b) will continue to ensure that the reasons and rationales
for Plan 9 are not lost in the quest for Shiny New Features.

9p.io is a museum piece, I grant, let it stay. If the Mona Lisa or the
Lamborghini Miura or some similar monuments to human creativity do not
appeal to you, let me appeal to you on behalf of those who feel like
me, so that you do not contribute to their destruction.

In my opinion and my philosophy, without history there is no future. I
can see how that may seem pointless to some, at least for a time.


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