Long ago and far away I built/ran Thompson's APL (from the V7 source
tape IIRC) on one of the VAXen.  This was very much pre-ANSI C code,
but the Ultrix 1.1 compiler handled it fine.

About 15 years ago I dusted off the source and started converting
it to ANSI C, but I got distracted and have since lost the source.
Has anyone here done anything similar.  I would really like to have
a native APL (even an ancient one like above).  If anyone did get
it converted to ANSI, a native port could be bootstrapped through

Failing that, does anybody have a copy of the original source
kicking around?  Since the virus is going to keep me locked up
for a few more months yet, porting would help pass the time :-)


P.S.  Yes I know there are a million other APLs out there, as
well as J and the assorted follow-ons.  It's the V7 code I'm
specifically interested in.  Maybe it's tucked away in the
bitsaver archives ...

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