On Fri, Mar 26, 2021, at 7:53 AM, saif.re...@outlook.com 
<mailto:saif.resun%40outlook.com> wrote:
> I've uncompressed .bz2 but the problem is burning the .ISO file.

Following my guess at what's wrong:
You need to burn it as an image not a file. I think the default for most 
burners is to make a filesystem on the CD & put foo.iso into that filesystem as 
a file. How to do it will vary, but I'm pretty sure all burning software will 
have the option. If you've done it right, when you open the disk in Windows it 
should look have the same folders and files as the iso image. You'll see 
folders named 386 mips [other CPU names] mnt n bin dev sys lib adm cfg ...

Alternative #1:
If you can give a virtual machine access to a hard disk, you can use the 
virtual machine to install. You'd have to be careful not to harm Windows, but 
you would anyway. But if the iso won't boot when burned properly, I guess the 
installed system won't boot either.

Alternative #2:
Install 9front instead. Their iso image is USB-bootable. (You'll need to write 
the image to the raw device; not sure what tool but I think they document 
some.) It's almost the same as Plan 9, having some different fixes, some 
different drivers, and some other minor tweaks. (There's some work going on to 
share the changes as patches.) The biggest difference is 9front's website and 
documentation have... uh... a distinct flavour. ;) http://9front.org/

Huh.. 9front describe an alternative USB install process you might want to try 
if you can't get the others working. It's point 2 here:
For Plan 9, replace 9boot with 9load. You'll need to type the image name during 
boot as something like `sdC0!dos!9front.iso`. The letter C may be different. 
However, I'm not sure 9load has the necessary USB drivers. If it calls the 
BIOS, you'll be fine if your BIOS supports the right emulation; many do. (As a 
sort-of example: I have one laptop which emulates a USB floppy drive as a real 
floppy drive. It's great for old OSs which use the BIOS, but not so much for 
OSs which access the hardware directly.)

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