I just realized there was another (earlier) thread on this with
similar questions; didn't mean to be badgering you.

On Tue, Jul 20, 2021 at 12:23 PM adr via 9fans <9fans@9fans.net> wrote:
> On Tue, 20 Jul 2021, Skip Tavakkolian wrote:
> > what problem did this fix for you?
> >
> > all the changes seem like bad ideas for general use; e.g. would hiding
> > a sam window show a name other than sam?
> This is for using different instances of sam... Is not for your
> "general use". I've explained this before. Anyway, this add the
> posibility of changing the label, it not forces you to do it. If
> you don't use the -l option, don't define samriosnarf and you are
> unaware of the 'l' command, sam will behave exactly the same, you
> will not notice, that's something I really like of this patch.
> > regarding snarf, couldn't you get what you need by manipulating the
> > namespace with an rc script wrapper?
> I really don't know what on earth are you talking about. Sam's
> snarf buffer is an internal buffer (defined in sam/mesg.c), it
> isn't presented in a file system. But even if that were the case,
> it will not work if samter and sam were in different machines.
> Regards,
> adr.

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