On Friday, 28 January 2022, at 10:59 PM, hiro wrote:
> why should it be closed source?
you're gonna seriously put the effort to remove all the traces of source files?

This kiosk app is meant for students in math, electrotechnics, mechanics ... 
its a closed area network where only registered students can connect. This 
plattform is only meant for exchange of data and informations. The app is 
distributed as an iso to be run from bare hardware or qemu (virtual box). The 
current version is running based on FreeBSD and has a size caused by X11 
necessity and accompanying programs of 800 MB. I'm trying to reduce the size 
and increasing the performance by using plan9. My plattform generates form many 
simulation tasks, symbolic calculations, plotting, ... intermediate C code and 
translates this to programs which are called as child processes and generate 
their output for rendering. LLVM is needed two times in the FreeBSD 
installation once for X11 and once as a system compiler. By using plan9 I can 
reduce the size of this kiosk application to estimated 300 MB. I gave plan9 a 
try a few years ago and was fascinated but the licence wasn't attractive at 
that time. But now it's ideal for such tasks.

Some sources are part of this installment inside a loop file those are provided 
internally with a ramfs so in time compilation gets possible. The moment I 
include GPL licensed code into this ramfs this would infect my own licence. My 
plattform is BSD 2 claused the students can distribute it freely but the 
mechanics for connecting to the closed area network are hidden. The MIT 
licence, zlib, Ogg Vorbis license are compatible with BSD 2 license and require 
proper acknowlegdement but GPL can't be used in such a manner. 

Plan9 with its new license is optimal for such applications. I think that plan9 
would have been more wide spread if this new license would have been applied 
from the beginning. And I believe that the reason why NetBSD, OpenBSD, FreeBSD 
are not as wide spread as Linux was the lack of a compiler suite conforming to 
the BSD license. Some time ago the BSD project asked for a license change for 
plan9 to integrate the C compiler which didn't happen at that time. But I'm 
sure that in the near future their will be some BSD forks which will take more 
ideas and tools from Plan9 (especially the compiler suite). Plan9 has more 
advantages besides those - nearly direct access to the hardware and a 
simplified way to enhancements due to its namespaces and 9fs. 

I'm using BSD systems since 1991 and I think its important to follow a strict 
licensing scheme otherwise many years later as it happened in NetBSD, FreeBSD 
and OpenBSD you start to search for alternative implementations cause at some 
point your code is not accompanied by incompatible licensed code but is 
depending on those so it is infected. If you decide to distribute a system with 
a non infecting open source license than its important to do this in a 
consistent form. The more time passes the more you depend on parts and the less 
gets the chance to exchange those parts. 

I am consequently avoiding infecting licenses in my projects and my 
distributions for decades now and those parts of plan9 (9front) which are not 
conforming are not a big deal to throw away. diff, patch are available in 
conforming licensed versions. I prefer ogg vorbis to mp3 due to its patent 
problems in the past. There are dozens of truetype fonts with better quality 
and distributable. The only problematic part not only to plan9 but also all BSD 
systems is ghostscript but I have an existing translater from postscript to svg 
and a closed source svg library for rendering for other projects where I would 
perhaps need page and the dependency to ghostscript. No need for lzip and xen 

The reason why this reply was this long is simple :

My experience from the past and my involvements in BSD projects tought me that 
many open source projects try to take large steps in short time and most often 
they borrow code or libraries from projects not conforming with their chosen 
license. Legal questions are taken very lightly for a few years but than at 
some point in time those legal questions surface. The reason why linux took 
over was this simple - BSD 4.3 lost its compilers.

There are people (I am one of them) who also have to write commercial projects 
for a living. I'm developing embedded software for electronic circuits and 
plan9 is now a real alternative for me cause of its new license. I can decide 
for each project if I want to make it open source or not. And by consequently 
avoiding infecting licenses I can use the same code base for open source as 
well as closed source projects.

Why do you think p9f asked for a relicensing of plan9 while it was already gpl 
licensed a few years ago ? Both are redistributable but the MIT version is also 
usable for closed source commercial projects while the GPL version is not. Does 
this matter ? Yes of course it matters for people or companies. Its sometimes 
amusing to see developers taking legal issues lightly. 

I'm not an advocate but be assured : The moment you distribute lets say a set 
top box based on plan9 using legacy9 or 9front and you don't delete those 
mentioned parts from your distribution you can't make it closed source. If your 
set top box plays mp3 or opens a pdf ps file by using ghostscript and this is a 
significant part of the functionality you have created a derived work based on 
or depending on GPL'ed code. To solve this problem you would have to seperate 
those parts from your hardware and make it downloadable to keep it closed 
source. But this wouldn't be a real solution because page depends on the 
existence of ghostscript to display pdf and ps files so you have a 1:1 
dependency. FSF perhaps won't take this seriously. Aladdin will because they 
offer a commercial license alternative. And your concurrents will also look 
closely to make your product open sourced. This is not fiction this is reality 
happening hundreds of times per year. 

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