29.01.2022 23:23:32 ibrahim via 9fans <9fans@9fans.net>:
Lets take a tv set as an example for a kiosk application thats not far away. What benefit does the user of a tv have if I put the sourcecode of the tv set into the mounted flash device ? Sure everybody could benefit from reading the way I programed embedded circuit but aren't there better ways to share this information ?

Maybe I misunderstood something about licensing stuff but, can't you just distribute the working build product (binaries etc, without source) to the TV set (or kiosk) and keep the source in a completely separate open space, under some open source license? I mean, does open source (gpl, mit) mean, you have to distribute the source in the same device?

At least that would have issues with any linux distribution I know, where you usually just download prebuilt binaries and have to download the source separately.


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