I could see some value in students learning a truly distributed system if
they are CS majors looking to specialize in scientific computing or
distributed processing work but otherwise it would generally be a huge
waste of their time. They would probably be far better off learning one of
the modern distributed computing platforms than something that is
quickly approaching 40 years old and only ever had a commercial lifespan of
4 short years. That said, I'm sure that there are plenty of more academic
type computer science students that would find such a project interesting
enough to throw a couple years at it.

On Fri, Feb 4, 2022 at 10:31 AM Kent R. Spillner <sl4...@zerosphere.org>

> > There is no benefit for the students to learn how to realize such a
> platform
> In your experience do students appreciate being told what's best for
> them?  ;)

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