fatotum is quite easy, since it's a client as a filesystem.

The "real" server you can set up (but it's optional) is the secstore server which persistently holds your keys.

factotum just uses these keys (or the ones you entered manually or read in through a custom mechanism, e.g. a file) to handle all the authentication stuff you want to use.

So in the end, factotum is very easy. Just start it in your namespace and the programs will automatically use it. You can also run auth/fgui in a rio to have a nice entry box for new keys. Really, the complex thing is managing the namespace, which is the most important thing in Plan 9 anyways, so you should definitely learn it.

Common start point for factotum is, run it in your lib/profile. I believe it's the standard lib/profile configuration to start the factotum in a terminal session and import the terminal factotum in a cpu session.

There's plenty of resources about factotum and auth in Plan 9 systems. Do yourself a favor and read the papers (/sys/doc/). Also I'm sure that almost all Plan 9 users can give you hints and tips about it since it's an integral part of the system.

On my very first Plan 9 laptop I btw just had my keys stored in a plain file, unencrypted.


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