On Mon, Jan 23 2023 at 01:45:08 PM +0200, Lassi Kortela <la...@lassi.io> wrote:
Chibi-Scheme are featherweight
>With luck, it's possible to port them to Plan 9 with modest effort.

I'm a beginner programmer who didn't get his hand dirty with coding. but I'm willing.

Do you recommend it as first step. I know C programming, I did read some of acme code for fun, and rob pike Ivy too. I def know what scheme and lisp is. I like the idea behind Data is code and code could be data. but I didn't do anything useful yet. sadly I know a little about OS, bytecode, and VM.

if it's a good beginning, where can I start to know what makes a program run on *nix and not on Plan9 and so on.

Or it's not a good first step ?
I really wanna get over this step

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