On Fri May 10 13:55:58 +0200 2024, lucio.d...@gmail.com wrote:

> I am not allowed to ignore some advice when Vic raises a much more
> interesting subject matter and does it in a perfectly justified and well
> formulated fashion - and gets accused of being an AI or at minimum playing
> one on 9fans?

So you're ignoring the answers and advice people are giving you,
including my own, because it's just not interesting enough?

> How do you know that I did not follow any of Moodley's advice, which
> incidentally I acknowledged I may not be competent to follow?

Then which of Moody's suggestions did you try, and what worked?

> None of the
> legacy people I have noted responding have been even remotely as offensive
> as those who are determined to deify 9front in legacy's place - when there
> is no effort on legacy's side to promote our particular preference, nor to
> justify such preference as being superior in any manner.
> What I notice - correct me if I am mistaken - is that any comparison
> between 9front and 9legacy seems to needle a few members (very few, there
> are many names from that community that have not participated, specifically
> the ones I know hand have long respectes, ask them) of the 9front community
> that seem to take offence unless 9front is painted in a better light. I
> guess that's permissible, but please mind your manners if you choose to go
> that route, this is 9fans and 9front I believe has its own discussion
> groups.

I'm puzzled why you feel there's any kind of crusade against 9legacy
going on.  Moody was direct about problems he has had trying to
collaborate in the past, and hiro questioned some of Vic's statements,
essentially just asking "why".  I don't see where the pitchforks or
the deification is, I must be just stupid.  Can you point to specific
statements you feel are so abrasive or offensive?


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