
maybe this whole thread wouldn't have exploded if you weren't trying to force 
AI stuff into it?

Maybe people who don't know anything about a problem shouldn't answer at all, 
or at least not with unfitting answers? (Instead, stay here and learn, or 
contribute more details to the issue if you're affected, to help others 
understand it.)

Maybe people don't want to answer in this thread because it exploded like that? 
(The original topic is basically lost)

Maybe people are old enough to ask for help a second time if the first time 
didn't help? (Which btw can still happen. Waiting for a response for a day or 
two is normal.)

I, at least, learned my lesson. Even in this mailing list, we're not safe from 
AI crap and AI overuse/misuse. I understand your attitude and want to believe 
that you're trying to help, but understanding the issue and understanding 
_when_ you can even help is very important.

Thank you, Noam, for digging deep into the venti black hole and trying to 
understand as much as possible.


P.S.: I don't know enough about venti, so I won't even try to solve the issue.

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