Ronald G Minnich <> writes

| [...]  On Plan 9, I still miss command 
| history that spans instances of the shell. Sorry, that's not "Plan 9 
| PC", but it's my preference.

global /persisitant/ history is a "must have" for me. it was the reason
i utf-8ized byron's (unmaintained?) shell. 

productivity will suffer just a little bit if you have to retype something
as a last resort. but trying to figure out that ip address you ssh'd to last 
week/month/year could waste 10 minutes. grepping persistant history is a 
big win for me.

(if you want global but non-persistant history on p9p changing the " command to 
look at
all your open windows wouldn't be too hard but you would have an ordering
problem; it would difficult to order the commands correctly.)

i looked at modifying rc to write commands to a history file but it
didn't seem to fit very well. maybe a hook would be better as in

fn post-cmd {
        echo $* >> $history

paul haahr's shell es went all the way and made the whole interactive loop a 


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