* Gabriel Diaz Lopez de la Llave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> isn't that just mail messages? you can transform whatever you need to  
> look like a mail message, but i don't think thats the way to go. . .  

Well, evrything that fits into rfc2822 can be served by mailfs-ng ;-P
Where the messages actually coming from should not be relevant to
the client.

The client also needs an generic interface for configuring storages 
(ie. subscribing to imap folders, feeds, ...). Managing namespaces
and caching/sync'ing would also be nice. But evrysthing step by step ...

> it is like make everything to look like a webpage, that way you only  
> need a browser :?

in a way ... ;-o

> >Ugh, that's a *big* blocker for me. I *need* to write into
> >certain boxes.
> >
> i would love upasfs to be able to move/copy messages between mailboxes  
> and the like, i don't see the advantage of creating new mails with it

can upasfs be extended for my requirements ?

> >I just want to make some clean concepts, and then let's see if
> >mailfs is enough or could be easily extendet.
> >
> >But my feeling is: mailfs won't be enough - I need much more
> >functionality.
> >
> >Remember: mailfs-ng should handle all the mail storage for commonly
> >used MUAs (eg. Mozilla or Mutt) - the individual MUA should do
> >nothing more than just operating within mailfs-ng.
> >
> and how do you plan to make mozilla or mutt talk to that fs server?  

I'll rewrite the appropriate parts (same as I currently doing
w/ bookmark handling).

> wouldn't be easier to use imap? 

maybe easier, but doesn't fit my needs.

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