If I remember correctly, the CVM port was mostly working, it had some problems with the network classes that I didn't bother to fix. I lost interest because there was not a practical (i.e. one that doesn't require talking to lawyers and managers at Sun) way of distributing the port. The license allowed me to share my changes only with developers that accepted the same license. If you accepted their license and are interested in finishing the port and/or push the changes to newer versions written in C (if they still have something written in plain C), I can check if I still have the port.


On Jan 16, 2008, at 4:54 PM, Pietro Gagliardi wrote:

I read on the Wiki that Kaffe was ported but the download link is broken. I also read that lucho was doing a port on CVM but I can't find much else. Does anyone have any info? Thanks.

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