> > I think the point is that people talk a big talk about how great Plan
> > 9 is,
> That's 'cos it is.

It is pretty great.

> > but then don't do a damn thing with it.
> Uh, sorry?
> A month or so ago, I sat in a room with a bunch of
> like- and unlike-minded people and discussed
> everything from linguistics to supercomputing on plan9 and/or inferno.

Yeah, I was there too. It was great.

> Lots of people are busy doing various things, damned or otherwise,
> with plan9.

I'm currently employed to work on Plan 9 on supercomputers and other
things. When I say some people aren't doing a damn thing, I'm not
referring to everyone. There are some really cool things being done
with Plan 9, but there's also the weekly "Here's an idea for a new
filesystem/program what do you think" that never results in any code.
I'm just saying that there seem to be more than a few 9fans who love
to post and talk on IRC about how great it is, but have yet to do much
more than get a tip9ug account and log in a few times.

> If by "a damn thing" you really mean "a damned thing that some
> particular set of people want",
> or  "a damn thing that you want", well, that's a different matter.
> > At least, that's how I read it.
> Perception is everything.
> Another point of view:
> as has been said before:
> plan9 has been failing for 20 years.
> That's longer than most.
> DaveL

Actually, Windows, MacOS, UNIX, and VMS have all been failing longer
and harder ;)

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

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