On Fri, 25 Jan 2008 10:29:55 PST "John Floren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:
> On Jan 25, 2008 10:09 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > May be the problem is that people are treating plan 9 as a
> > > Van Gogh masterpiece when they should be treating as building
> > > material :-)
> >
> > I sincerely hope for your sake that you don't treat your next Van Gogh
> > masterpiece as building rubble.  Or treat Plan 9 as some sort of Linux
> > surrogate.  Why not use the real thing, considering how much less
> > wasteful it would be?
> I think the point is that people talk a big talk about how great Plan
> 9 is, but then don't do a damn thing with it.
> At least, that's how I read it.

More or less right.  Use it, abuse it, rip it apart and
reconstruct it but *build* something interesting with plan9!
I didn't mean to suggest people are not doing it; just that
I find building stuff is much more fruitful than discussions
about what should people *not* do with plan 9.

A killer app *always* fills some need for a lot of people but
a priori you can't know if your app is going to be the one so
no point in worrying much about it. You might as well build
something *you* find useful. If you want to compile plan9
with gcc, go right ahead!  If you want to build a server
farm, why not?  If you want to port plan9 to a cellphone,
great! If you want to make plan9 look like Linux, sure!  The
more (& different) things get built the better.

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