> On Jan 25, 2008 7:55 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> it  really does not make any sense to write web browser from the ground
>> up, if there is a workable version.
> here we go again...
> why use Plan 9 at all if every mainstream operating system is 'workable'?
> i guess workable is not the point.
> iru

Plan 9 is not, and should not in my opinion, be a Linux
replacment, Unix replacement, MS Windows replacement, and
so on.  If you really want Plan 9 to dominate the world
and see all your friends use it every day, invent a killer
application for it.  That's the only way you can shove
existing systems of their pedestals.  Making Plan 9
exactly like Linux, or Windows, or son on, will not
cause people to leave the real Linux or Windows and use
Plan 9.  Lack of a browser is not why only the select
few use Plan 9.  It's a culture thing.

If you want Linux you know where to find it.

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