On Feb 2, 2008 11:22 AM, Juan M. Mendez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> So what are the facts to back up so many posts regarding autotools badness?
> Just curious.

1. it's not needed. See plan9 ports and lots of other tools that
somehow get by without it.
2. a 150,000 line configure shell script? That right there should tell
you something's seriously wrong.
   but it happens.
3. it's not portable. Since the goal is portability, something has
been lost here.
4. Warning from the openib stack: you have version 1.59 (or some such)
of autotools, and I need 1.60
    Oh, ok, there's a version of the configuration tools? What's wrong
with this picture?

It would all be funny but people actually use this stuff, and that's sad.


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