At 09:32 AM 9/21/00 -0500, John Henckel wrote:

>I tried several ABC files and in all cases your program said "V: invalid 
>inline option" why doesn't it recognize V: ?  how else can I write music 
>with multiple voices?

If Bryan will forgive me for quoting from his help file:

"The validation is based on Chris Walshaw’s published standards available
via the abc home page..."

Since the latest draft standard ( ) does not include the V
field and multiple voices it seems reasonable that a checker working to
that standard would flag errors.

There are several ABC programs that do support multiple voices - I thought
that there was a list of these somewhere but I can't find it. maybe I've
missed it. John Chambers' FAQ ( ) includes a number of
lists of which programs support which features, but I don't see a list of
programs supporting V in there.

A little more digging around reveals the following list of programs, which
also includes some information about features they handle:


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