Phil Taylor says -

> The difference is that you still write the tonic.  Of course you can
> subvert that if you want by writing C (+ some arbitrary accidentals),
> but then you can do that now.

No I can't.  I want a meaningful key signature at the start not a load of 
accidentals scattered through the tune.

> Been there, done that.  No point in going round in further circles.

No you haven't.  I can't recall you ever responding to any of the points I 
have made.  You simply state that tonic/mode is best and no other method can 
be permitted, ignoring the opinions of quite a few contributors to this list 
and, in your own words, the vast majority of users.

> The rules of abc are decided by democratic vote among the developers.

WHAAAAAT?  Says who?  This is the abc USERS list.  Presumably, speed limits 
are determined by democratic vote among car manufacturers.

> Since you have now written an abc program you qualify to vote.
> Propose a vote if you think it will get you anywhere.

I am a user who also happens to be a programmer and felt I could make a 
contribution.  I'm afraid I'll have to invoke the Groucho principle here.  
That isn't a club I want to be a member of.

Bryan Creer

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