On Tue, 31 Oct 2000, Guido Gonzato wrote:
> So my question is:
>   John, could you add an option to jabcm2ps to toggle tall bar lines on/off?
>   Jean François, would you do the same?

I'll take a look at it.  The change I made for this was only a few lines of code,
but I remember that it did impact several functions, and that's about all I 
remember about it since it was so long ago.  I think I was being a good boy
and flagging all my changes with comments back then, though, so it might
not be hard to figure out.

> While I'm at it, I may just as well ask for more. Imagine a scheme like
> this: a SATB choral part and a piano/organ accompaniment. The SATB staves
> could be linked by tall bar lines, but not the piano part. So, something
> like:
> %%staves [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 5 6 ]

The only problem I see with that is that it would have quite an impact on the
defacto "standard" (i.e., that group of ideas to which several programs adhere)
and not everyone that implements %%staves will necessarily be thrilled about
implementing it.  Rather than risk abc that might break some existing parsers,
it might be better to use a syntax like %%stavesex ...

John Atchley
So many guitars, so little time...
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