Laura Conrad wrote:
> Many people feel that the current syntax for global accidentals which
> are not part of the key signature would be more useful and intuitive
> if it were used for accidentals which are part of the key signature.

I have no problems with that. As long as we're talking about changing
the standard rather than breaking it. Like laura I don't like changes
that interfer with existing ABC, but I've never heard of any abc file
that actually uses global accidentals, so it might be safe to do so in
this particular case.

Wendy Galovich wrote:
> If there is a way to do that and to
> expand ABC's capabilities for handling other music not covered by the
> existing standard, so much the better. John's solution does seem to do
> that.

Seems so. We only have to keep in mind that a letter alone still means
major mode.

See if I've got this right:

K:       Root    Mode     Key signature
Dlyd     D       lydian   F# - C# - G#
D        D       major    F# - C#
D^e_f    D       silly    E# - Fb
D^f^c=g  D       none     F# - C# - G natural
_b       +-unspecified-+  Bb

etc., etc., etc.

John's proposal doesn't *really* clash with abc 1.6 since the global
accidental syntax seems to require a space between the key signature and
the acidentals (e.g. D ^e_f rather than D^e_f), but keeping it might
still be a bit too confusing.

Frank Nordberg

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