Phil Taylor writes:
| True.  An additional problem is one which you yourself pointed out
| recently:  users often write abc which is intended to be read only by
| human readers.  In other words they are treating abc as a natural
| language.  In this context any variation on abc syntax is OK as long
| as it's obvious what is meant.  I've always been in two minds as to
| what programmers should do about this.  Coping with all the possible
| variations of syntax whose meaning is "obvious" is an interesting
| programming challenge.  On the other hand, to allow too many variations
| is to contribute to the deterioration of the language.

Maybe, maybe not.  One could make the argument that one of  the  real
strengths  of  traditional staff notation is that groups of musicians
have never been bound by any enforcable rules.  If you think you need
some  special  notation for your music, you just invent the notation,
put it on the paper, and share it with your musical friends.   Nobody
can stop you. This does lead to a lot of varied notation, but it also
allows musicians to transcribe what they consider important in  their
music.   Without  this ability, we'd be stuck with 12th-century music
notation and no way to represent modern music. There could never have
been  a choral or orchestral tradition, because only monophonic music
would have been allowed.

One of the things that always  stopped  me  from  using  any  of  the
various commercial music packages was that I'd test them by trying to
enter some of the tunes that I like to play,  and  they'd  refuse  to
accept my "illegal" music.  This wouldn't have been so bad if I'd had
a way to fix the problem.  But with proprietary software, I was  just
out of luck.  So I didn't bother. And I couldn't put music on the Net
except in facsimile form.

One of ABC's real strengths is the availability of the source code. I
can modify and extend it to represent the music that I play.  This is
not as easy as with a sheet of paper and a pen, granted, but at least
it's possible.  If some musical dummies decree that my music can't be
represented, I can just quietly thumb my nose at them, as I  do  with
paper and pen, and modify the code to do what I need. I don't need to
beg and plead with someone whose idea of music notation is one  intro
music  theory  class  or  whatever  they picked up at random in their
music lessons.

I wouldn't call this "deterioration".  I'd say that ABC stands a good
chance  of  being  a living, usable music notation system for much of
the world's music.  The reason is that it's  possible  for  users  to
improve it (with or without our permission).

Of course, if we can do this as a social group,  and  build  software
that  handles a wide variety of music, we'll have something even more
valuable.  It's also possible  that  useful  musical  ideas  will  be
quashed by the narrower members of the group, and ABC will split into
incompatible dialects.  The difficulty of  modifying  someone  else's
code  will  encourage  this.   But  this  is  still  better  than the
commercial music packages, which don't permit a  lot  of  the  things
that a lot of musicians need.

ABC as it is now is just too useful.  People are going to use it.  If
you  want  to  prevent  "deterioration", the only practical way is to
keep people talking to each other, and try to get them  to  work  out
common  ways  of  dealing with all the things that different kinds of
musicians need.

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