
Frank Nordberg writes:
| Jack Campin wrote:
| > A couple of my musician friends don't have computers of their own,
| > they use Hotmail or Yahoo accounts at work or at internet cafes.
| > Installing an ABC application at either isn't on.  Hotmail doesn't
| > even know how to display an attached GIF.
| > How can somebody on one of these systems use an emailed ABC file if
| > they aren't familiar enough with the notation to read the source?
| Have a look at the online tools listed at the abc applications directory at:
| http://www.musicaviva.com/abc/abcapp/index.tpl
| (select "online" in the OS menu and click on the search button)
| In addition, the tune submission page at John Chamber's site is
| effectively an online interface for jabc2ps and abc2midi, allowing you
| to enter an abc tune and get it as sheet music or midi. The reason it
| isn't listed in the directory, is that I'm not sure how happy John is
| about people using it that way.

Well, actually, I wrote it to  use  it  that  way  myself,  when  I'm
somewhere  far  away from my home machine.  It hasn't been noticed by
many people, but a few have used it. I don't mind this at all.  I can
always  remove  it (or just rename it) if there is any sort of abuse.
The main warning would probably be that I consider it an  experiment,
and its behavior is likely to change from one week to the next.

And, of course, one reason for not publicising it is that I'd like to
encourage  others  to experiment with similar things, rather than use
mine.  Then I can look at their site and steal some ideas.  This does
seem to have been a successful strategy ...

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