Richard Robinson said -

>That hardly justifies talk of being "outlawed" ?

OK, so perhaps outlawed is a bit strong  but I would still be excluded from full participation.  There doesn't seem to be much point in being involved in an open-source project coded in a language you don't understand.

>It might still be of a lot of use to a lot of people and a Good Thing ?

I never said it wasn't; I just don't want participation in it to be a condition for being involved in the future of abc.  I don't want abc to be dominated by the abc2ps school of development any more than I want to see it dominated by abc2win, abcmus, BarFly or any other implementation.

>Or are you going to argue against anything any project that isn't in VB ?

Don't be silly.  Presumably what I actually say isn't sufficiently contentious if you have to make up nonsense like this in order to attack me.

>Do you have a positive suggestion ?

Certainly, but before I do, could I have your assurance that you will give my suggestions proper consideration, rather than opposing them on principle just because they come from me, and that you will restrict your reponses to what I actually say rather than your own wild speculations about things you think I might say (as you have done twice in this thread alone)?

Bryan Creer

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