But it's silly.  It adds nothing.  Yes, it's only a few lines of code, but
it's adding code to achieve nothing new.  Or else, please tell me how the
semantics of 1+3 and 1&3 differ from each other and from 1,3.

I wholeheartedly agree with John "we put this off until we  can  get
agreement  that trivial cases like [3 and [1-3 and [2,4 are legal."

You want me to start implementing 1,3 or you want me to argue about syntax
and what the complicated ones mean?

----- Original Message -----
From: John Chambers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, December 08, 2001 6:28 PM
Subject: Re: [abcusers] Progress towards a new abc standard is [1,3

Simon Wascher writes:
| I would like to add:
| [1+3
| and
| [1&3

This is easy; it adds a couple of chars to  the  list  of  acceptable
chars  in  the  ending  string.   As  long as these chars can't start
another ABC term, there's no ambiguity. My current implementation has
"-,.0123456789"  as the legal chars; making it "-,.+&0123456789" is a
one-line change.  (In an earlier discussion, someone  also  suggested
including "x", but I don't recall what that meant.)

| and
| a way of saying for example
| [last time

Yeah; this is useful.  But a problem in the past has  been  that  the
discussion  of  how  to  do this bogs down as people try to solve all
possible repeat problems.  After a while, people get bored trying  to
follow the abstrusities, the topic dies, and nothing happens.

I'd suggest that we first make sure that [1,3 and similar endings are
explicitly  legal, so that they'll get implemented and people can use
them.  The general case should be a separate discussion.  If we delve
into it again, we'll never get anything but first and second endings.

| `["last time"' is non-ambiguous since [" is not legal under any other
| circumstances.
| `|(spaces, backslashes, linebreakes, tabs)[<numeral><"text">'
| where <numeral> also could be any of the extentions proposed earlier.

There is a serious ambiguity here. Consider something like:


Under the current semi-standard, "Foo" is a chord symbol.  Under your
syntax, it is also an ending notation.  It can't be both.

Note also that, strictly speaking, the | isn't part of  ABC's  ending
syntax.  Endings need not start at bar lines.  They usually do, true,
but not always.  The |1 notation is a shorthand for |[1 based on  the
fact  that  there's  no  ambiguity since a bracket can't otherwise be
followed by a digit. But in the current syntax, [ followed by a digit
is what tells a parser that it's an ending.

Several possible extended syntaxes have been suggested in  the  past.
But  since this has led to endless discussions that have led nowhere,
I'd still suggest we put this off until we  can  get  agreement  that
trivial cases like [3 and [1-3 and [2,4 are legal.

(Then we can wander off into discussing the introduction of  for-loop
notation into ABC as a general solution to looping problems.  ;-)

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