wil writes:
| John, you need to loosen your Goedel...

Heh.  Actually, if you  think  about  it,  Goedel's  Theorem  doesn't
actually  apply  to music notation, staff or abc.  The reason is that
his theorem was only proved for  languages  of  at  least  a  certain
"minimal" expressive power, and the minimum was the ability to count.
He proved that a language that can count is either incomplete  (i.e.,
some  syntactically-valid statements have no meaning) or inconsistent
(some valid statements have two meanings).

It's strange but true that music notations don't  actually  need  (or
have)  the  ability  to  count.   So  they are below Goedel's minimum
expressive power, and could well be both complete and consistent.

I wonder if lilypond or MusicML can count?

Humans can (usually) count, so Goedel's Theorem applies to  them.   I
saw  a  cute  example  of  this  a  few years ago, in the form called
Whitely's Paradox.  In our case, we present the statement:
  Wil Macaulay cannot consistently assert this statement.
We ask Wil whether this sentence is true, and no  matter  whether  he
answers "Yes" or "No", we observe that he is contradicting himself.

We might also ask whether musicians are  below  Goedel's  minimum  in
expressive  power,  since  they routinely use a written language that
lacks the ability to count, and don't seem to notice a limitation. So
it's possible that Whitely's Paradox may not apply to musicians.

| By the way, Skink handles the alternate bar stuff you posted, but I
| have no idea what it "should" look like.   What would you have
| expected?

The two alternate bars in question should look pretty much  like  two
alternate  endings,  but  they  aren't  endings and so lack the usual
colons that indicate going back to the start.

For an example of what it might look like, try:
(This is on my home machine, where I've been experimenting with  some
other useful extensions.)

Scroll down to the SweetMaidOfGlendaruel entry and ask for PS or  EPS
or some other graphical form of the tune.  You see this sort of thing
a lot in bagpipe music. I was duly impressed the first time I noticed
that abc2ps handled it without complaint. Of course, it also supports
the K:Hp and K:HP gimmicks for the two common forms of Highland  Pipe
notation,  so  it's  not  that much of a surprise that other bagpipey
things are supported.

The idea here is that repeats  and  alternative  bars  are  different
concepts   that  need  not  be  confused.   It's  true  that  to  use
alternatives, you do need to repeat, else alternatives are pointless.
But  in  some  music,  a  repeated  phrase  may  vary not only in the
endings, but in other measures as well.  It's  a  curiosity  of  much
Western  music  that  variations in repeats happen mostly at the very
ends of the phrases. This isn't true of some kinds of music. One kind
is  traditional  Scottish  bagpipe  music (which could well be called
"non-Western" ;-). The people who play this music do use the ordinary
notation for alternative bars in places other than the ends of parts.

We've had a few brief discussions of this in the past.  I did  notice
some time back that abc2ps in fact had no problem with this.  It uses
the |:  and :| symbols to indicate repeats, and uses  [1  and  |1  to
indicate  something  to  be  played  the  first  time only, etc.  The
implementations of these are in fact  not  related,  and  they  don't
interact. So you can use the notation for alternate measures anywhere
you like.  The only question is how it  determines  the  end  of  the
alternates.  For [1 this is easy; it ends at [2.  For [2, it uses the
kludge of counting measures, and it only works if the alternates have
the  same number of measures.  (This could be fixed quite easily, but
that's a different topic.) It draws the final vertical line above the
staff  if it sees a double bar, and that's why I used a double bar in
my first example.

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