>| You can try to get ABC convenient, readable, close to some staff
>| notation or what ever you wan't. But first of all you must keep (or
>| get) it to contain unique (well formed or well defined if you want)
>| information.
>Well, now; I'm not sure I'd agree with that. Granted, I'd like to see
>such  a  computerized  notation, and I suspect that both the lilypond
>and MusicML people are making good progress toward such a goal. But I
>don't  think  that we should push ABC in this direction.  ABC's niche
>that led to its success is that  it's  a  relatively  simple,  basic,
>plain-text notation that is compact and mailable.  It doesn't require
>a sophisticated UI; it can be typed (and read) by mere humans.   None
>of  this  would  be true of any notation that is well formed and well

Predicate calculus is simpler than ABC and as "well formed and well
defined" as anybody could want.  It's sloppy, ill-defined notations
that need fancy user interfaces.

As far as I can see (from examples Laura has sent me) lilypond is
nowhere near in the same league of precision as ABC - it's a random
grab-bag of typesetting hacks.

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