Jack , wrote:

Can you translate the Breton words in the song

Général, ma Général d'ar ger,
D'ar ger ma Général,
D'ar ger n'eo ket d'ar brezel,

Général, ma Général d'ar ger,
D'ar ger ma Général,
Ma Kaer de Marivault.


General, my General to home (return home),
To home my General,
To home is not to war,

General, my General to home ,
To home my General,
My love
de Marivault.

Ger (ker = home) has the same pronunciation as the word guerre (war) in French.
There is a little (damatic) story about a misunderstanding between
the general de Marivault and the breton soldiers: the general understood that the
breton soldiers wanted to fight while they simply asked to return home. If you
can read french there are some details about this story here:

For more details about Conlie (Kerfank) and the whole story go to:


 INRIA / IRISA				Phone : +33 2 99 84 73 19
 Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu	Fax :   +33 2 99 84 71 71
 35042 RENNES CEDEX - FRANCE	http://www.irisa.fr/aida/aida-new/Fmembre_quiniou.html

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