John Chambers wrote -

>For example, recently I saw a line like:  K:D % EDorian

It could be that the author was using software that only allowed the tonic as 
shorthand for the key signature and didn't support modes (such programmes 
have been known to exist).  He should be praised for adding the extra 
information in the only way available to him.

Henrik Norbeck wrote -

>Getting back to the abc, I would prefer to have the notation
>K:^f ^c to K:D
>because it simply means what it says and does not imply anything 
>else. Then you're free to place whatever you like in a comment 
>afterwards K:^f^c % "Irish" e minor

I would just like to say that the summer here in England has been wet, grey 
and miserable so far but today the sun is shining which is just as well since 
I'm playing out of doors.  I shall do so with a song in my heart.

Bryan Creer

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